Welcome to The Mamahood

Prepare for your birth surrounded by a Divine Feminine community to support you.

About You

Intuitively, you know that birth was meant to be a sacred experience.

That’s because it’s in your DNA:

Throughout the ages, women have birthed in sacred divine feminine circles: maidens, mamas, and crones alike would surround the mama-to-be with love, encouragement, wisdom, and knowledge.

Today, we are devoid of that powerful support network. Birth is often clinical, institutionalized, medicalized, and masculine.

This leaves you feeling isolated, misunderstood, and vulnerable.

But you want to feel held, witnessed, and powerful.

And you can.

Believe me, I know.

About Me

I’ve birthed naturally five times (and have a sixth on the way). I understand exactly where you are at:

Desperately wanting the best for yourself and your baby before, during, and after your birth, and searching high and low for the right resources, resilience, research, and reassurance to guide you.

After transforming the birth experience of hundreds of women by simply helping them to shift their mindset and empowering them to take back control of their birth experience, I realized that this was a widespread need among mamas-to-be.

Which is why I created the Blissful Birthing Sisterhood.

So you don’t have to birth alone.

About The Sisterhood

In the Sisterhood, you’ll be in the strong company of other women who have the same birth and childbearing desires as you.

To birth naturally, safely, and blissfully.

They’ll also share their fears, values, and questions (the same ones you have).

Plus, you’ll be surrounded by those who have already birthed naturally – we will share our stories with you so you can learn from actual experience.

What’s Included In Your Monthly ‘Divine Mamas' Sisterhood’ Membership:

  • 24-7 support from a divine feminine supportive sisterhood of other mamas-to-be so you can learn from your shared hopes, dreams, desires, and experiences for an empowered birth

  • Unlimited access to me for all your questions, fears, doubts (no more confusion, conflicting information, or creeping-in dread as the big day approaches!)

  • Special interviews and videos for sisterhood members only that cultivate the confidence to have a natural home birth with bite-sized ‘baby’ steps

  • Post-birth support – the birth is just the start of everything! Gain additional support for the fourth trimester and pro-tips for expert motherhood during infancy that doesn’t leave you feeling depleted or depressed

  • Amazing bonus content, such as mini-courses, workshops and all my wisdom and experience shared weekly in our community so you feel ultra prepared and powerful.


Walk With Us

We’re super excited for you to join our intimate tribe (capped at 100) ... Just click on the button above to introduce your beautiful bump & self!

We are so much stronger together!

No pressure. You're welcome to stay as long as you need and leave whenever you feel ready to fly on your own.

What Other Sisters Say

Chrissi has been a rock throughout everything and as my doula. She has so much knowledge and confidence. It's so lovely to talk to somebody who has had these five incredible births now and to be able to take a powerful mat and to know that your body is capable – has been made to do that. And how wonderful it is when it actually happens.

Antonia Lacey

Our bodies are incredibly smart and after my home birth, I would recommend it one hundred percent. Because the only thing that a mother needs to have a good birth is to have confidence in herself, be surrounded by the people she loves and in a comfortable place. I want to thank my friend Chrissi, for the gift she gave me because now I feel like the most powerful woman in the world.

Sandra Ruiz - Santaquiteria

Don't Do This Alone, Sister

You weren’t meant to do it alone.

You were meant to have a powerful sisterhood to support you, and stand for you and with you.

It’s how we were designed.

The truth is, without support, we are all too susceptible of compromising our birth and childbearing values and desires. Leaving us traumatized for life.

And I won’t let that happen to you (or your baby).

Sign up now to have the blissful birth you were meant to have.

Helping to transform the world one blissful birth at a time.

Chrissi Long